Alliance Secrets for Coaches

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The Passion Test book

The NY Times bestseller that will enthrall you with Janet's adventures as she followed her passions to India and Nepal PLUS guide you through the powerful Passion Test process to discover your top 5 passions. 


Enlightened Bestseller

Enlightened Bestseller - 7 Keys to Creating a Successful Self-Help Book

Written by three NY Times bestselling authors and their marketing guy, this easy-read ebook will teach you the insider tips and secrets that will help you write and promote your own bestselling book. 



From Sad to Glad - 7 Steps to Facing Change with Love and Power

Learn how to deal with anything life may throw at you with ease and grace. This fun ebook will teach you powerful tools for transforming problems into blessings.


Order summary


Alliance Secrets for Coaches

In this program you will discover the secrets that Chris and Janet used to create profitable alliances with some of the greatest minds on the planet including Jack Canfield, Mark Victor Hansen, Jay Abraham, Robert G. Allen, Stephen M.R. Covey, John Assaraf, Bill Harris, John Gray, Rabbi Yehuda Berg, Rev. Michael Beckwith, Barbara DeAngelis, Byron Katie, Mind Movies and many others at the top of their fields.

Creating win-win joint ventures for a single project is a great skill. Creating an alliance which can last a lifetime and which benefits everyone connected with it is an art form.

You can use these principles to rapidly grow your coaching business.

Total due $297

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