Introducing an inspirational book from the authors of The New York Times bestsellers The Passion Test and Your Hidden Riches with contributions from a powerhouse of international transformational leaders...
How to Thrive
in the Midst of Crisis
Available in Paperback and eBook
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About Awakening the Amazing in You
Awakening the Amazing in You reveals powerful strategies from around the world for bouncing back when everything's going wrong.
Awakening the Amazing in You shares the stories of regular people from all over the world who have found ways to turn horrendous situations into opportunities and new possibilities. It will reassure you, inspire you, and give you hope, because if these people can do it, so can you. You'll discover that beneath our cultural differences, there is a common thread that binds us all together. This is not just another self-help book. It's a deep dive into the heart of life through real stories of overcoming real tragedies.
As you read these engaging personal accounts punctuated with humor, deep-insight, and heart-centered wisdom, you'll be empowered with the knowledge and motivation to create a life of abundance, happiness, health, and love. Covering topics from personal tragedy to relationships to personal transformation, this international team of authors will show you how to finally overcome some of life's challenges and live the life you were destined for.
No matter your circumstances, there is a way to make a change, and Awakening the Amazing in You will be your guide to finding the inspiration and tools to empower you to create your amazing life!
Meet the Authors & Peek Inside Awakening the Amazing in You
Janet Bray Attwood and Chris Attwood, New York Times bestselling co-authors of The Passion Test: The Effortless Path to Discover Your Life Purpose, and Your Hidden Riches join with a global powerhouse of thought leaders from nine countries to bring you a collection of transformational true stories and practical tools that will uplift and inspire you to create an extraordinary life.
Chapter 1: Permission to Surrender
by Janet Bray Attwood
What does it mean to truly surrender? This chapter will show you in full color. You’ll be entranced and shocked as New York Times bestselling author Janet Bray Attwood shows you what can happen when you really allow yourself to surrender. She shares how she was dragged kicking and screaming into a situation where she didn’t have much choice to let go. And she’ll let you see the miracles that can happen when you do that in your own life.
Chapter 2: Discovering and Releasing Your Core Wounds
by Debra Stangl
In her work over the past 20 years with all types of people -- celebrities, politicians, regular people, rich, poor, straight, gay, etc. Debra found that at the core of each person is a wound that is doing everything it can on an energetic level to get itself healed. It’s bringing in painful experiences, difficult people and sometimes even illness to get us to finally look it in the face, recognize it, embrace it and heal it. Unless and until you discover, release and heal your Core Wounds, you can’t ever be completely happy – it’s simply not possible.
Chapter 3: Reinventing Remarkable
by Ratika Hansen
We all strive to live our best lives, mapping our course and setting sail in the direction of our dreams. But when our vision is clouded, and our path gets blocked by unexpected challenges, how do we reset and restart? Join Ratika on her journey as she navigates caring for her young children, coping with an unlikely surgery, and bringing her work team together, all within a year of the uncertainty and chaos that comes from a global pandemic. Individually, these were challenges even without a pandemic, but collectively, maneuvering these with new restrictions required additional resiliency, creativity, and courage. Follow her as she summoned these and other skills to recalibrate, redefine, and Reinvent a Remarkable life. Learn from her lessons and follow her steps so that you can do the same.
Chapter 4: Unlocking Keys to Your Inner Clarity and Unique Voice
by Debra Eklove
The 'if only' syndrome can be debilitating, and getting over that is a journey to understanding that there are no mistakes. Many tools are needed and the choices we make are there to gather them, so you have them when needed. Years ago Debra worked at a phosphates plant in the middle of the desert. Traveling there, early in the morning, she would see the road she traveled with seven or eight peaks, each pointing in different directions. It was in the valleys that these peaks connected. That is an image, a metaphor, for life. Today she sees how many of the twists and turns in her life have taken her from valleys to the peak of joy. As you read Debra’s story, chances are you will see these connections in your life too.
Chapter 5: Whether You Are 16 or 96, It’s Never Too Late to Be Happy
by Doris Slongo
A 13 year-old girl longs for redemption. She has no more strength, and does not know how to bear the omnipresent great tensions and heaviness in her parental home. When a boy from the same school takes his own life, she thinks, “He's made it. He's free of worries and sadness now, how nice that must be!" A few years later, thanks to a stimulus from her neighbor, the semi-adult young woman begins a life-changing journey that allows her to face life's difficulties differently and more easily. It is a rewarding journey to her very own powerful happiness. In this chapter, the author shares some of these important tools that will help any reader tap into their inner happiness potential and be truly happy.
Chapter 6: Your BIG IDEA Is Inside You
by Kay McDonald
Do you have a big idea—some wonderful solution or product that stems from your favorite hobby or passion, but you just haven’t figured out what to do with it? Many of us have great ideas brewing but it takes a catalyst, or two to figure it out. When you surround yourself with people who believe in you and an environment that nurtures your creativity, wonders can happen, and you can finally find your passion and purpose to create the life you were meant to lead.
Chapter 7: Scenes from a Crime: Using “Cinematic Memories” for Releasing Trauma and Re-Visioning Your Life Story
by MaryLynn Navarro
If you’ve experienced trauma, then you’ve also probably tried many ways to relieve the negative effects it’s had on your life. In this chapter, you’ll learn a practical, powerful method called “Creating Cinematic Memories” to dissolve the negative emotions associated with your traumatic experiences. You’ll find that this process can be fun, engaging, and absolutely transformative. MaryLynn will capture your heart with the powerful stories that serve as examples of the technique and when you apply it in your own life, you’ll be astounded by the transformation you experience.
Chapter 8: Radical Awakening to Your True Self
by Catherine Allon
What can be more important than raising the Earth’s vibrational energies in today’s world for the highest good and upliftment of everyone? Catherine describes how her uncommon contribution evolved from her life's challenges, including being a Hungarian refugee at age 9, and the wisdom it brought her. Now an awakened Kundalini yoga teacher and a spiritual psychotherapist, she shares how to raise your vibration. “It can be as simple as a smile, staying optimistic when you’re having a bad day, or being compassionate and kind to those who least expect or deserve it. All of these encouraging feelings add up! They become good vibes, just as random acts of kindness make the giver and receiver feel better. The higher your vibration, the happier you are, and the more you can share your love, joy, and good nature with others.
Chapter 9: Insightful or Insane?
by James Buffalo Moreno
Golden orbs appearing in the sky, telepathic messages, and miraculous healings? This chapter will give you the chance to open up to amazing possibilities. You’ll discover that when you do, miracles appear. You’ll learn how to use the power of prayer to move gracefully through any challenge. Nothing is impossible and no challenge is insurmountable when you learn to surrender and open yourself to higher power. This chapter will give you the keys.
Chapter 10: More, Please, with Ease
by Sue Shalley
Sue Shalley went from the brink of business foreclosure to growing it to a multi-million corporation. During this process she developed a blueprint for steps to successfully sell products and services as well as live with grace and gratitude. The process is based on the acronym CLASSY. Sue also writes about an “AHA” she received during a challenging business situation to understand she was operating in the energy of lack and fear. Her “AHA” was to ask for “More Please” instead of lamenting about needing more money.” Sue explains how living in gratitude, joyful expectancy, in and the energy of “More Please” has brought her prosperity and more of the things she loves and desires. “More Please with Ease” describes the miracles that have arisen in her life. She hopes her experiences will help discover the miracles unfolding in your life.
Chapter 11: Daddy’s Little Girl
by Betsey Sarris
A little girl wonders why she doesn’t have a daddy like other kids. She asks her mom and grandmother where her daddy is and, in their reeling attempts to best explain his death, she believes instead, he doesn’t love her enough to even say hello. As she maneuvers life and experiences the death of important others in her world, she comes to terms with understanding death’s reality; that his “leaving” was never about her and her innate failure to be enough.
Chapter 12: Problems = Possibilities
by Rolf Erickson
What you first see as a problem in your life can actually turn out to be a new possibility. If a door you intended to go through suddenly closes, be alert to see the new door that is opening up for you. Then step through that new door to enjoy your next round of progress and fulfillment in life.
Chapter 13: When It’s Time to Lose Control
by Chris Attwood
“When It’s Time to Lose Control” will shake up your world. Through the inside story of how Janet and Chris created “The Passion Test,” helped launch the global phenomenon called “The Secret,” and how they managed to become partners with two top New York Times bestselling authors with millions of readers, you’ll learn the secrets to discovering your own path to greatness. This chapter will entertain you, sometimes shock you, and destroy your concepts about how success is achieved. It will also give you step-by-step guidance in how to live in the flow of life as you fulfill the purpose for which you were born.
Free Gifts When You Order Awakening the Amazing in You
The authors are offering special bonus gifts to celebrate the book's release. Simply order your copy of Awakening the Amazing in You today and enter your purchase info at the top of this page. Then choose as many of these valuable free gifts as you feel drawn to.

BONUS 1: "I Want for You What You Want for You" eBook from Janet Bray Attwood
21 daily audio meditations to culture unconditional love, for yourself and those you care most about. Includes beautiful complimentary ebook.

BONUS 2: "From Sad to Glad" eBook
from Chris Attwood
"An incredibly fun, practical, and helpful book for restoring joy when it is lost!" —Dr. John Gray, #1 NY Times bestselling author of Men are From Mars, Women are From Venus

BONUS 3: "Reinventing Remarkable" eBook
from Ratika Hansen
This guidebook is the chapter companion that will help you set your own Reinventing Remarkable plan in motion. It offers a simple and insightful step-by-step process and includes prompting questions, inspirational quotes, links to tried-and true resources, and room to organize your thoughts.

BONUS 4: "Connecting with the Present Moment"
eBook from Catherine Allon
In this charming little pocket book you'll discover how to integrate awareness into daily living using the Radical Awakening process. It also includes a parable on awakening for children.

BONUS 5: "5 Keys to Master Your Energy and Your Mind"
eBook from Debra Eklove
In this ebook you will discover easy and useful tools to optimize your energy, get your body stronger, and make more choices that are in your best interests. Imagine being able to smile and be relaxed throughout the day, regardless of the stress and changes that happen. Imagine never having to beat yourself up for things you wish you had done, or things you did.

BONUS 6: eBook & Companion Course to “The Journey To Happy – How Embracing The Concept That Nothing Is Wrong Can Transform Your Life” from Debra Stangl
Learn how to get happy and transform your body, your money situation, your work, and your relationship. Embrace the concept of nothing is wrong and use the 9 Stepping Stones to take you from unhappy to ecstatic in every area of your life!

BONUS 7: Your Personal Happiness Meditation
from Doris Slongo
This downloadable MP3 happiness meditation and practice is a high way to connect with your innate happiness potential and bring it into your daily life. By using this short meditation on a daily basis you will become more peaceful and content and, as a result, more successful in your life.

BONUS 8: Complimentary 30 Minute BIG IDEA session and eBook, "The Power of Charms"
from Kay McDonald
Brainstorm with Kay in this complimentary 30-minute consultation to flush out your BIG PURPOSEFUL IDEA, and receive a complimentary copy of her book, The Power of Charms.

BONUS 9: "The Search for Higher Self" eBook from James Buffalo Moreno
A whimsical tale for the curious mind, you'll enjoy reading this lighthearted story of the inner workings of finding meaning in life.

BONUS 10: "The Jaimes Primer: First Moon with Mister Jaimes" from Rolf Erickson
A funny and touching collection of stories. Jaspar Jaimes is a character from another planet who has come to Earth and blogs by the cycles of the moon. Mister Jaimes seeks answers to what he calls the Timeless Eternal Questions: “Who am I? From where did I come? And why am I here?”

Bonus 11: "Mastering the First Steps to Successful Selling" from Sue Shalley
In this 10-page PDF, sales coach, Sue Shalley shows you gain the confidence to speak to anyone and ask for their business.

Bonus 12: "Self-Love" Group & Discovery Session from Betsy Saris
Do you find yourself often saying "yes" when you truly wanted to say "no,?” Get free access to this special Facebook group to get support and ideas PLUS a free discovery session with Self-Love facilitator, Betsey Sarris. Find out where you’re not loving yourself and how to change those old patterns.

Bonus 13: Overcoming Trauma with Cinematic Memories from MaryLynn Navarro
20-minute complimentary mentoring session on your creative goals ($50 value) PLUS a 60% Discount to the first 10 who sign up for this session: Introductory 6-week course on Writing Cinematic Memories & other somatic techniques to transform trauma into a creative writing product.

Choose as many of these bonus gifts as you like when you order your copy of Awaken the Amazing in You.